
Some time ago a prolonged and enforced, due to ill health, spell at home lead me to start using some of the social networking sites. I finished up with Facebook and Twitter, each for different reasons. Facebook has been a great way of keeping in touch with family, friends and work colleagues, whereas "tweeting" has been useful for making contact with people with the same health problems as me.

A little while ago I started tweeting some photographs as an antidote to the foul weather we were having, and one of my on-line friends said how much she liked the pictures, and suggested I might have a go at writing as well. So I decided to put a few words to a few of the pictures taken on my travels around the country.

In addition I've included on these pages some of my writings that don't have a photo to go with them. They're listed in the right hand column.

My photos,my words. I hope you enjoy them.
